About Dr David Wood | Dr. David Wood
Dr Wood operates at the Mater Private Hospital. He consults from the North Sydney Orthopaedic & Sports Medicine Centre, the Sydney Sports Medicine Centre at Homebush, the Mudge...
Surgery | Dr. David Wood
Dr David Wood specialises in arthroscopic and reconstructive surgery of the knee. He has expertise in ligament reconstruction, patella disorders, replacement of knees and tibial osteotomy. He...
Arthroscopy | Dr. David Wood
Articular cartilage covers the bone ends and lets the knee move.
Menisci are two thick pads of tissue that form a rim inside the knee joint and stabilise the knee.
Ligaments hold the bones together, s...
Physiotherapy Protocol | Dr. David Wood
Pain free, non-resisted full hip AROM with the knee >90° flexion
Pain free, non-resisted full knee AROM with the hip at 0° in supine or side lying.
Dynamic core stability and gluteal strengthening
No ...
Compartment Decompression / Fasciotomy | Dr. David Wood
Compartment Decompression / Fasciotomy
During exercise highly active muscles require large amounts of oxygen and glucose which require high blood flow down the arteries. This leads to “pumping up” of ...
Hamstring Reattachment | Dr. David Wood
Hamstring Reattachment
Proximal hamstring tendon avulsion is a rare and often difficult injury to treat. Depending on the type of avulsion you may experience immediate disabling pain and weakness, ext...