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It works. Conduct limited drug testing. You DO NOT have to test your entire workforce. You DO NOT have to conduct random testing. It′s easy. Provide Employee Drug Education and Supervisor Training eac...
Downloads | | Drugs Don't Work Georgia
Downloads Drug-free certification in GA is a simple 5 step process. You may download documents here to assist you in obtaining certification. For additional assistance with the certification proce...
Overview | | Drugs Don't Work Georgia
About DDWGA Drugs Don’t Work (DDW) in Georgia is a program of The Council on Alcohol and Drugs, Inc. a 50+ year-old nonprofit 501(c)3 drug prevention agency headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. DDW in G...
DDW Coordinator Training – DDW Training
CHAMBER EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR This presentation was just fantastic. There was so much information that our members were able to take away and understand about the emerging threat of Fentanyl in our Georg...
DDW Training – DDW Training
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Trainings | | Drugs Don't Work Georgia
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