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About is the job board for the future of finance. We offer free job listings for DeFi projects to promote decentralised finance. After all, it's the people that will build the future.
Solidity Engineer at World Money
World Money is looking for a Solidity Engineer to help them build the future of finance in Remote. Join them or any of the other DeFi projects hiring right now.
Content Lead at Saddle Finance
Saddle Finance is looking for a Content Lead to help them build the future of finance in Remote. Join them or any of the other DeFi projects hiring right now.
DeFi Business Development Manager at Pollen
Pollen is looking for a DeFi Business Development Manager to help them build the future of finance in London. Join them or any of the other DeFi projects hiring right now.
Blockchain Developer (Solidity) at Venus
Venus is looking for a Blockchain Developer (Solidity) to help them build the future of finance in Remote. Join them or any of the other DeFi projects hiring right now.
Core Infrastructure developer at Liquidity Network
Liquidity Network is looking for a Core Infrastructure developer to help them build the future of finance in Remote. Join them or any of the other DeFi projects hiring right now.