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Demian Reader's Guide
Significant Quotes - Demian Reader's Guide
In this quote, Sinclair is reflecting on his previous conversation with Demian regarding the story of Cain. Demian's interpretaiton of the mark of Cain was something that distinguishes someone,...
Evaluation - Demian Reader's Guide
Over the course of the novel, Demian , the main character Emil Sinclair manages to develop from an innocent child to a self-aware and independent individual. He encounters Demian, his guide and...
Discussion Questions - Demian Reader's Guide
1. In the beginning of his novel, Hesse quoted his protagonist: "I wanted only to try to live in accord with the promptings which came from my true self. Why was that so very difficult?" What...
Related Works and Research - Demian Reader's Guide
Hesse's most famous novel, Siddhartha , is about a young man who goes on a journey to find his inner Self through a series of teachers and with the help of Nature. As you read this novel, you may...