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Deni Triwardana – Berbagi Informasi & Berbagi Pengalaman
Berbagi Informasi & Berbagi Pengalaman
MENGAPA BERTAREQAT ? – Deni Triwardana
Sejak kecil setiap habis shalat magrib berjamaah, saya bersama adik dan kakak selalu mengikuti dzikir bersama bapak secara dengan bersuara keras sambil menggoyang kepala ke atas, ke bahu kanan lalu me...
Mau Chords Lagu ini ? (Misty – Sarah Vaughan) – Deni Triwardana
D7+ Am7 D7/9- G7+ Look at me, I'm as helpless as a kitten up a tree Gm7 C7/9 And I feel like I'm clinging to a cloud D7+ Bm7 I can't understand Em7 A7/9- F#7/5- B7/9 Bm6 A7/5+ I get misty just holding...
Mau Chords Lagu Ini ? (The Greatest Love Of All – George Benson) – Deni Triwardana
Intro: Bm E C#m F#m (3x) Bm E A A7+ I believe the children are our future A A7 D Teach them well and let them lead the way D7+ Bm Show them all the beauty they possess inside C#m F#m Bm E Give them a ...
Deni Triwardana – Berbagi Informasi & Berbagi Pengalaman
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Mau Chords Lagu Ini ? (Change The World – Eric Clapton) – Deni Triwardana
E F#m G G F# E E F#m G G F#m B7sus4 E E6 E7 E7 E6 E If I could reach the stars, pull one down for you. E E6 E7 E7 E6 E Shinin' on my heart, so you could see the truth. A A6 A7 A7 A6 A Then this love I...