select * from depesz;
On 16th of January 2024, Alexander Korotkov committed patch:
Add new COPY option SAVE_ERROR_TO
Currently, when source data contains unexpected data regarding data type or
range, the entire COPY fail...
explain.depesz.com – now with HINTS! – select * from depesz;
I just pushed change to explain.depesz.com that allows for processing and displaying hints for plans.
For example, take a look at this plan, and check if you'll notice subtle “HINTS" tab.
In there you...
Projects – select * from depesz;
Scheduler for commands with precision of up to 1 second (vs. 1 minute in standard cron). Used primarily to monitor and log state of server and PostgreSQL.
Many changes on explain.depesz.com – select * from depesz;
If plan contains nodes that have
Rows Removed by … information, this is now shows in rows column, including standard colors if there were more rows removed than returned.
While working on these fixes...
explain – select * from depesz;
It was very helpful, for me.
Then, around a year later figured that it could be useful for others, so wrote a simple site that got plans, and displayed them with extra info. It didn't look great.
Two ...
select * from depesz; – Page 2
On 11st of February 2023, Andres Freund committed patch:
Add pg_stat_io view, providing more detailed IO statistics
Builds on 28e626bde00 and f30d62c2fc6. See the former for motivation.
Rows of th...