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Desert Wildlife Services FAQ - Tucson, Arizona
Q1a. What is a "NWCO" or "WCO?" A. "NWCO" stands for Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator. "WCO" stands for Wildlife Control Operator. Both titles equate to a service industry entity that controls and/o...
Badger removal and control - Tucson, AZ
Tucson, Arizona Some call badgers "Nature's Backhoe," and rightfully so. These small, but ferocious predators can turn landscape into an image that resembles the surface of the Moon. While badgers ar...
Pack rat elimination, trapping removal and control - Tucson, Arizona
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Captured Coyote Predators stalking, killing and maiming pets, poultry and livestock in Arizona remains a serious issue. Predatory animals sometimes habitually frequent areas such as schools, sho...
Desert Wildlife Services Wildlife Contact Us-Tucson, Arizona
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Bat Removal from your House - Tucson, Arizona
Bats generally gain entrance into homes through open doors and windows. If a bat or bats are in your home, Desert Wildlife Services can remove them. Call us as soon as you can! We strongly advise n...