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Overview | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
Overview District Headquarter Hospital Sheikhupura was established in 1922 and first regular Medical Superintendent was appointed in 1969. Total area of the hospital is 218 kanal and 5 marla. Open gr...
Medical Services | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
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Paediatrics | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
Paediatrics The pediatric department it provides outpatient, emergency, indoor care to all children from newborn to adolescence. The OPD services are run by consultants with a vast experience in thei...
- Contact Us | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) ENT Department was established in 1970. DHQ Hospital, deliver a full range of services to treat common ENT complaints such as: persistently runny or blocked noses, breathin...
- About Us | DHQ Hospital Sheikhupura