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Less rules, more care - Dif
How a small country is a leading example in the world of healthcare. Buurtzorg, one of the Netherlands’ largest home care organizations, is exporting its healthcare model all across the world. Thousan...
Just Cycling - Dif
The Netherlands is a country of cyclists. For us, it’s just business as usual, but we’re a unique country, with over 22.5 million bicycles, and only 16.9 inhabitants (CBS 2015), there is nowhere where...
Living in the desert - Dif
The night’s cold and the day’s heat can be harnessed to balance the extremities of the desert and provide sustainable living. Where people live, nature changes. And, where nature changes, the climate ...
Freedom of speech - Dif
Freedom of expression is one of the most important human rights. In some countries, people are locked up, tortured or shot because they express their opinion. Journalists are often the first to suffer...
ANBI information - Dif
Dif Media Foundation is registered with number RSIN 8576.35.748. In accordance to Dutch regulations to be able to act as a ANBI (Non-profit institutions) Dif Media Foundation will publish her Financia...
The blue economy is coming - Dif
Being green is no longer enough to turn the tide. We need to adopt a blue economy as soon as possible. An economy that stops using up our natural resources. Dif selected ten ideas with the potential t...