Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTPS provides SSL-encrypted connection.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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University of Kent Digital Certificates | Login
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 5254) If you are new the website and have come to this page by clicking on the link in your verification email, please log in for the first time us...
- University of Kent Digital Certificates | Registration
University of Kent Digital Certificates | Support
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 4942) If you are experiencing difficulties when using the University of Kent Graduate Documents website then please contact us as detailed below. ...
University of Kent Digital Certificates | FAQ
1. What can I do on the eModule? As a candidate, you can manage electronic and printed versions of your degree documents (certificates, transcripts, letter, plus any other official documents). This me...
University of Kent Digital Certificates | Candidate
Date of Birth ", target:"#element-4894", textOnly:true }); var jqXHR = $.ajax({ data: formData, ur...
University of Kent Digital Certificates | Employer
WYSIWYG Generic (REF: 4899) Follow our simple 3 step process to create your account and access your Connections Dashboard. Your password must have a length of at least 9...