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UCBL Inserts & Insoles | Digital Foot Lab Custom & Prefab Insoles
DFL Footcare Professionals can make a difference with true foot comfort. Our resident CPED can provide you with everything you need to gain foot comfort without a trip to the Podiatrist. Call us at 58...
About DFL | Digital Foot Lab Custom & Prefab Insoles
Who We Are Founded to meet today’s demand for precision within the orthotics industry, Digital Foot Lab USA is Michigan’s first fully digital orthotic laboratory. The use of digital technology through...
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UCBL | Digital Foot Lab Custom & Prefab Insoles
Adult and Children's UCBL Orthotic The UCBL is used to stabilize a flexible foot deformity. The UCBL also controls the arch and outside border of the foot.
Digital Carving | Digital Foot Lab Custom & Prefab Insoles
Digital Carving & Manufacturing Combined with our shaping software, our digital carving capabilities allow us to move right from the computer screen to the CNC carving bed. You should ask yoursel...
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