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Fauxtex: Homemade Disposable Alternative to Latex - DIY Marta
As promised, here is the new and greatly improved recipe for homemade latex substitute for use in FX makeup. After posting last year’s recipe, I received numerous questions about the uses of the latex...
How to Make Probiotic Yogurt - DIY Marta
Benefits of Probiotic Yogurts I’m a firm believer in probiotics for colon and overall health and immunity. Our western lifestyle of stress, processed foods and too much sugar–combined with use of anti...
Best Homemade Body Paint - DIY Marta
I’ve recently been experimenting with homemade body paints, and after trying all the recipes online and getting bad results, I did my own series of experiments using cheap items I had around the house...
House - DIY Marta
House Here in an easy and inexpensive solar powered chandelier you can make for your next garden or beach party. This poor bicycle rim has gone through several incarnations--first as a wind-powered wa...
How to Make "Latex" for Special Effects Makeup - DIY Marta
Before you start special effects makeup school, practice with Fauxtex! This is my third year working to perfect a recipe for a homemade alternative to latex, and the results are better than ever! Afte...
About Me - DIY Marta
Select Page Welcome to my newly re-branded site “DIY Marta.” You may remember me from This is the same blog, just better. This site is a log of home and garden projects with de...