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Djurens Rätt - Sedan 1882 | Djurens Rätt
Djurens Rätt gör med målinriktade kampanjer och politiskt påverkansarbete skillnad globalt för de djur som är flest och har det sämst. Är sedan 1882 Sveriges ledande djurrätts- och djurskyddsorganisat...
Big support from Europe for a cage ban in Sweden | Djurens Rätt
On the 7th of December, Djurens Rätt sent a joint letter to the minister of rural affairs in Sweden. Together with 15 other European animal rights- and animal welfare organisations we call for a cage ...
The Swedish government listens to Djurens Rätt and calls for a plan to reduce animal testing
The Swedish government has commissioned its 3R-center under the Swedish Board of Agriculture to identify what further means can be taken to limit the use of animals in science, testing and education. ...
Close the mink farms in Sweden permanently | Djurens Rätt
Project 1882, together with more than 40 organizations, today present a joint appeal to the Swedish government and parliament. After SARS-CoV-2 was spread throughout the majority of Sweden's mink farm...
Reduced disease control at mink farms in 2023 – new farms allowed in Sweden | Djurens Rätt
After 31st of December there are no longer any restrictions on mink farms in Sweden. The restrictions to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in 2022 weren’t prolonged. The Board of Agriculture still says th...
The Swedish Board of Agriculture’s evaluation of mink welfare - English summary | Djurens Rätt
In January 2018 the Swedish Board of Agriculture got assigned by the government to evaluate if the mink industry comply with the new Animal Welfare Act. The new Animal Welfare Act specify that all ani...