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DocBug – Intelligence, media technologies, intellectual property, and the occasional politics
Just a reminder that we are now at the point on the technology curve where scammers are using AI to impersonate family members in distress in realtime phone calls. February 6, 2023 / Technology As y...
Machine Learning & AI – DocBug
Scott Alexander’s A Guide To Asking Robots To Design Stained Glass Windows has some great examples of both the stunning images that OpenAI’s DALL-E-2 system can produce and some of the issues it still...
Resurrecting DocBug – DocBug
Main Menu / Snippits / February 13, 2022 I started blogging at DocBug back in 2003 as a way to think through my ideas about technology, culture, and whatever else was on my mind that d...
A big win for open access – DocBug
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) just announced that all publications and supporting data stemming from federally-funded research must be soon also be made available to a...
Data Mining 101 – DocBug
Tom Owad over at Applefritter has a nice simple example of the kind of homebrew data aggregation that’s possible with just a little bit of programming knowledge and a home internet connection. The thi...
Search – DocBug
Main Menu Search June 25, 2008 / Search A new defense tactic in an obscenity case: use the popularity of sexually-explicit search terms in Google to show that actual “community values” ...