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Specialty Techniques | Doctors of Physical Therapy
Specialty Therapies are a specialized treatment approach that consists of ‘hands-on’ techniques designed to mobilize joints, muscle, connective tissue and nerves in order to facilitate healing and res...
Surgical Therapy | Doctors of Physical Therapy
Orthopedic Manual Therapy is a specialized area of physical therapy for the management of neuromusculo-skeletal conditions,based on clinical reasoning.
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We hear it a lot: “Each time I’m coming down a flight of stairs I feel a sharp pain in my knee. It’s not necessarily hurting any other time–just when I’m stepping down. What’s going on?” Many differen...
Hand Therapy | Doctors of Physical Therapy
Having A Therapist With An Advanced Education As Important To Me! My Doctor recommended DPT for my physical therapy and I have been very pleased with my care. Jen is a very skilled, experienced therap...
Chronic Pain Therapy | Doctors of Physical Therapy
Chronic pain is pain in any area of the body that has lasted for more than 3 months. Sometimes it can be the result of a former injury. Sometimes, a specific diagnosis may be associated (e.g., fibro...
We Are Open! | Doctors of Physical Therapy
At Doctors of Physical Therapy, we place the health of our patients and staff above all else.