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Virginia Department of Forestry
The Virginia Department of Forestry monitors the health, composition, and inventory of Virginia's public and private forests to inform land management practices. Field staff assist landowners through ...
Forest Management and Health - Virginia Department of Forestry : Virginia Department of Forestry
Healthy, well-managed forests are essential to our economy and provide benefits to people and wildlife in Virginia. The Virginia Department of Forestry (DOF) works with partners and private landowners...
Publications - Virginia Department of Forestry : Virginia Department of Forestry
Narrow your search by choosing a broad category or specific tag from one of the dropdown selections; or you can enter key words in the Search box. Click on a... Read More
Urban and Community Forestry - Virginia Department of Forestry : Virginia Department of Forestry
Urban trees are an important part of the local ecosystem providing shelter, food, and other benefits to nearby creatures – including us! As populations in cities and towns continue to... Read More
Find a DOF Forester - Virginia Department of Forestry : Virginia Department of Forestry
Primary DOF Foresters
Agency Directory - Virginia Department of Forestry : Virginia Department of Forestry
Contact General Program Areas Search Full Agency Directory Narrow your search by choosing a location or work group, from one of the dropdown selections; or you can enter key words... Read More