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Dom Tower, Utrecht’s icon | Book your tickets online | Dom Tower
Visit the Dom Tower, the symbol of Utrecht. A must see during your visit. Click here to book your tickets online.
Plan hier je bezoek aan de Domtoren in Utrecht | Ticketshop | Domtoren
De Domtoren in Utrecht bezoeken? Boek hier je tickets voor een rondleiding. Klik hier om online tickets te boeken.
Plan your visit to the Dom Tower in Utrecht | Dom Tower
Visiting Utrecht’s Dom Tower? Book your guided tour here. Click here to book your tickets online.
Agenda | Domtoren
Blijf op de hoogte van alle evenementen, activiteiten en speciale rondleidingen in de Domtoren. Bekijk de agenda van de Domtoren.
Prices for a Dom Tower visit | Dom Tower Utrecht
View the prices here for different tours in the Dom Tower in Utrecht. Book your tickets online.
Read everything about Utrecht’s Dom Tower | Dom Tower Utrecht
Want to learn more about the Dom Tower? Click here to discover its history, the tower’s restoration and the origin of Dom Square.