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Dr. Jay Badiyani
Management & Commerce topics
Dr. Jay Badiyani
1. Functional organization. Here, functional specialists report to a marketing vice president, who coordinates the activities. In addition to functional specialists, there might b...
Dr. Jay Badiyani
Concept “Channel ” word is derived from the Latin word canalis (canal). A marketing channel can be viewed as a canal or pipeline for products for journey from manufacturer to end user. I...
Dr. Jay Badiyani
· Marketing is an integrated process. Marketing is not a individual independent activity, it is a co-ordination of several inter related activities...
Dr. Jay Badiyani
Marketing research (American Marketing Association) is defined as t he gathering, recording and analysis of all facts about problems relating to the transfer and sales of goods and servi...
Dr. Jay Badiyani
Product line decisions. A product line is a group of products that are closely related because they function in a similar manner, are sold to the same customer groups, are marketed throu...