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Services – Laurie Radovsky, MD.
Integrative medicine Conventional medicine does not always have much to offer a healthy person who has risk factors for certain conditions such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer; integrative medici...
Blog – Laurie Radovsky, MD.
It’s hard to believe that I published my first blog on COVID-19 almost exactly 6 months ago. In the intervening time, we’ve learned a lot and I’ve updated the information extensively, espcecially foc...
Schedule an Appointment – Laurie Radovsky, MD.
If you are a prospective new patient, please DO NOT make an appointment online. Please contact us via this website. We prefer that you email us through the website rather than calling if possible. ...
About Me – Laurie Radovsky, MD.
About Me As a child, I was fascinated by how the human body works. I was fortunate to have two uncles and an aunt who were physicians who modeled caring and thoughtful medical care, and encouraged my ...
The Dragon, The Princess And The Knight: The Importance Of Self-Care in Healing Lyme Disease
By Laurie Radovsky, MD When I was in medical school, I learned that antibiotics were like the Knight in shining armor who saved the Princess (the body) from the evil Dragon (infection). It is true tha...
Acute Lyme Clinics – Laurie Radovsky, MD.
Announcing Acute Lyme Clinics! What is the best way to prevent chronic or disseminated Lyme disease? By aggressively treating patients with a tick bite or acute Lyme disease, of course! Yet many healt...