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What is Druidry? – The British Druid Order
What is Druidry? BDO Druidry is a contemporary living spiritual tradition based on the earliest native spirituality of Britain and Europe of which any written record survives. Druidry developed during...
What is a Druid? – The British Druid Order
What is a Druid? "They have philosophers and theologians who are held in much honour and are called Druids. It is a custom of the Gauls that no one performs a sacrifice without the assistance of a phi...
About the BDO – The British Druid Order
About the British Druid Order The British Druid Order teaches and practices a creative, celebratory, elemental, shamanic Druidry, drawing inspiration from the past, yet deeply relevant to the needs of...
Courses – The British Druid Order
“… “… real nuts and bolts Druidry.” One of our students. Our courses are built around the traditional threefold division of Druidry into the equal and complementary roles of Bard, Ovate and Druid, f...
Awen – The Holy Spirit of Druidry – The British Druid Order
I have been passion in a covert. Am I not he who will sing Of beauty in what is small; Beauty in the Battle of the Tree-tops Against the country of Prydein." Alwyn and Brinley Rees ( Celtic Herita...
Druidry: A Practical & Inspirational Guide – new edition now available! – The British Druid Order
The first edition of Druidry: A Practical & Inspirational Guide by BDO founder, Philip Shallcrass (Greywolf), certainly lived up to its title. Inspiring many newcomers to adopt Druidry as their spiri...