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Dr. Peter Vadasz

Professional Registration - the Israeli Registrar of Engineers and Architects (IsrREA) Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Fellow of the Sout...
(a)Theses VADASZ, P.: “Natural Convection in Porous Media”, D. Sc. Thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, (in Hebrew), Haifa, April 1988. VADASZ, P.: “A Halothermal Simulation of the Dead ...
Dr. Peter Vadasz

Awards •Vadasz Number (Va) – proposed by B. Straughan in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A (457, No. 2005, 87-93, 2001) and subsequently adopted by S. Lombardo & G. Mulone in Continuum ...
Journals 2006-2010
(d)Articles in Journals (2006-2010) VADASZ, P.: “Heat conduction in Nano-Fluid Suspensions”, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 128, pp. 465-477, 2006. (listed on the Top 10 downloads from J. Heat Tr...
Journals 2001-2005
(d)Articles in Journals (2001-2005) VADASZ, P.: “Equivalent Initial Conditions for Compatibility between Analytical and Computational Solutions of Convection in Porous Media”, International Journal of...
Journals 1996-2000
(d)Articles in Journals (1996-2000) VADASZ, P.: “Convection and Stability in a Rotating Porous Layer with Alternating Direction of the Centrifugal Body Force”, International Journal of Heat and Mass T...