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DTR Marketing Research Company
Marketing Research Company
1-Who we are DTR is a Market Research Company based in the business heart of the Iranian capital. Thanks to its HQ staff that come from almost all corners of Iran and professionally trained local ...
Face to Face This is the most common type of field work in Iran, and it can be held in many environments including: DTR Headquarter: (e.g. CLT & Gang Surveys) Off-site (e.g. Door-to-door & Car c...
Client Login As listed in the ESOMAR Directory, DTR complies with ICC / ESOMAR International Code of Marketing and Social Research Practice. 5-DTR in Esomar Name: DTR Iran, Dadeh Tadbir Rahnema ...
About DTR Iran
About DTR Iran dtrco is a market research company in Iran dtr face sales and visiting experience in consumer markets DTR work agency located in Iran serving in all fields of market re...
Contact us
Contact us For discussion of your marketing plans or issues and to obtain further information on services and costs, you are kindly requested to contact us through the following gateways: ...