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Getting Started is Easy — Duke City Crossfit
Improve General Health & Wellness Thank you! Someone from our team will be calling you shortly to discuss the best time for you to come in. We are also happy to answer any questions you may have at tr...
Duke City Crossfit
Everyone is welcome, our members range from professional athletes to grandparents. You come in as an individual and become part of something bigger; you're treated as family. We work with you to ac...
Experienced Crossfitters — Duke City Crossfit
— Jim Rohn This quote relates to the law of averages, which is the theory that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes. At Duke City CrossFit not only will you have the o...
CrossFit — Duke City Crossfit
WE WANT TO HELP YOU REACH YOUR FITNESS GOALS CrossFit begins with a belief in fitness. The aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive level of fitness. CrossFit is based on constantly ...
Schedule — Duke City Crossfit
Crossfit Classes Monday - 5:30am, 10am, 4:45pm & 5:45pm Tuesday - 5:30am, 10am, 4:45pm & 5:45pm Wednesday - 5:30am, 10am, 4:45pm & 5:45pm Thursday - 5:30am, 10am, 4:45pm & 5:45pm Friday - 5:30am, ...
Visiting Crossfitters — Duke City Crossfit
We gladly accept drop-ins for experienced CrossFitters! Fill out the form below to contact us and we will get you set up for your drop in session.