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What is DUROLANE? - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
What is DUROLANE? 13 DUROLANE is a unique, single-injection hyaluronic acid therapy that provides long-lasting pain relief from knee osteoarthritis. Hyaluronic acid (HA) in the knee acts as a lubrican...
Science driven results - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
Science driven results ‡25 DUROLANE reduced pain more effectively. In a Level 1 study, there was a significantly greater reduction in visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores at 3 and 6 months with DUROL...
Diagnosis - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
Diagnosis How Is Osteoarthritis Diagnosed? If you begin to experience any osteoarthritis symptoms in your knee, do not wait. It is important to see your doctor and get a proper diagnosis right away. I...
Proven innovation - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
‡The clinical relevance of this information has not been determined. DUROLANE, GELSYN-3 and SUPARTZ FX are indicated for the treatment of pain in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee in patients who have f...
- Science driven results - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
Is DUROLANE right for me? - Bioventus OA Knee Pain Relief
Is DUROLANE right for me? Not able to maintain regular joint movement because of growing knee stiffness and pain Not engaging in the regular physical activities you enjoy because of a loss of knee s...