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Dye intermediates is an open source of Dye intermediates information available to the public online since 2012. It also serves as a platform to promote products
Pigment Red 22
Name:C.I.Pigment Red 22,C.I.12315 Molecular Structure: Single azo C.I.Pigment Red 22,C.I.12315,CAS 6448-95-9,426.42,C24H18N4O4,Naphthanil Red Light RT,Naphthanil Red Light RT-531-D,Sanyo Fast Red BS,B...
Pigment Brown 23
Name:C.I.Pigment Brown 23,C.I.20060 Molecular Structure: Double azo C.I.Pigment Brown 23,C.I.20060,CAS 35869-64-8,850.02,C40H23Cl3N8O8,Cromophtal Brown 5R,Microlith Brown 5R,Permanent Brown 5R C.I.Pig...
Pigment Yellow 95
Name:C.I.Pigment Yellow 95,C.I.20034 Molecular Structure: Double azo C.I.Pigment Yellow 95,C.I.20034,CAS 5580-80-8,916.63,C44H38Cl4N8O6,Cromophtal Yellow GR,Chromofine Yellow 5900,Yellow 6GK C.I.Pigme...
Pigment Blue 60
Name:C.I.Pigment Blue 60,C.I.69800 Molecular Structure: anthraquinones C.I.Pigment Blue 60,C.I.69800,CAS 81-77-6,442.42,C28H14N2O4,Pigment Blue GR,Cromophtal Blue A3R,Hostaperm Blue RL 01,Irgazin Blue...
Pigment Blue 15:1
Name:C.I.Pigment Blue 15:1,C.I.74160(α type) Molecular Structure: Phthalocyanine C.I.Pigment Blue 15:1,C.I.74160,CAS 12239-87-1,576.07,C32H16CuN8,Colanyl Blue A2R,Cosmenyl Blue A2R,Endurophthal Blue B...