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Dynamic Eye, Inc. - Professional
Professional Market Many people work outside and face glare to do their job, including truck drivers, construction workers, seamen, and arborists. Reducing glare will make them safer and more comf...
Dynamic Eye, Inc. - Glare Physiology
Glare Physiology Using Dynamic Eye’s point-specific glare shielding sunglasses is an amazing experience. You can do what you need to do, look where you need to look, and see what you need to see. ...
Dynamic Eye, Inc. - Sunglasses
Sunglasses Dynamic Eye’s first product will be glare shielding sunglasses, which act like polarized sunglasses all the time, and get extra dark just where glaring light sources appear. They do it b...
Dynamic Eye, Inc. - Technology
Technology Technology Just as your phone and your car have gotten smarter, so too can your sunglasses. The advances of technology in batteries, liquid crystal displays, manufacturing, and micro...
Dynamic Eye, Inc. - Our Team
Our Team The company is led by Chris Mullin, who received his PhD in physics from the University of California at Berkeley, where he specialized in lasers, optics, and liquid crystals. He proceed...
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Company Our Company Dynamic Eye was founded by a commuter living in sunny California and commuting east in the morning and west and night, and facing the low-hanging sun both directions. Since ...