Beta Earth Deeds
Children today are growing up on a planet increasingly impacted by global warming. By raising their awareness and engaging them in local solutions now, we sow the seeds for a more susta...
Learn more about climate change, carbon offsetting, and sustainability in general through the Climate Web portal below and through our growing list of resources. Earth Deeds i...
Beta Earth Deeds
United by a common spiritual outlook and a sense of community, congregations are powerful forces to engage communities in taking action on climate change.
We all need to understand, ...
Earth Deeds: Pricing Carbon
Pricing and reducing CO
2 and other greenhouse gases are critical steps in maintaining a livable climate on our planet. Rather than relying on supply and demand within the Voluntary Carbon Market, on...
Beta Earth Deeds
2 emissions from individual or family travel and support meaningful sustainability projects.
Whether you are planning a wedding, a vacation, or a family gathering, or want to account for your annu...
Earth Deeds : Our Vision
Earth Deeds Vision
We are living in a unique moment, not just in human history, but in planetary history.
First the bad news. Our ecological footprint exceeded the Earth’s carrying capacity in the ...