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Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – About our Nursery School
Eastwood Nursery School and Centre for Families is one of Wandsworth Council’s designated Children’s Centres. Children’s Centres provide a range of services to meet the needs of children under five in...
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – About us
About us Eastwood is commissioned by Wandsworth Council to provide: An 80 FTE (full time equivalent) place mainstream nursery school providing free early education places for 2, 3 and 4 year...
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – Children's Centre
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families is part of The Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools.
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – About our Day Nursery
Monday-Friday, all year round provision Part-time and full-time places available Welcome Welcome to Oak Class and Cedar Class — together forming our all year round full-daycare provision. Read...
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – Federation Updates and Information
Federation Updates and Information We will be providing any updates and further information on our journey as we move forward with The Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools.
Eastwood Nursery School & Centre for Families – What is a Maintained Nursery School?
What is a Maintained Nursery School? What makes us unique? A Maintained Nursery School is a local authority school, and is funded and controlled by the local authority, just like any other local autho...