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Equine-Assisted Activities – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
Benefits include improved respiration, circulation, balance, metabolism, muscle strength and agility.“ It may seem more like play than therapy, but equine-assisted activities can help those with physi...
Our Herd – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
Our Mission Statement Equine Assisted Therapy, Inc. has one sole purpose: to provide horsemanship experiences to persons with mental, physical, and psychological challenges in order to enhance the q...
About Us – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
About Us Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing therapeutic horseback riding activities for individuals with disabilities within the St. Louis area. ...
Volunteer – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
Equine-Assisted Therapy simply wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for our amazing volunteers. In a typical week, more than 150 volunteers walk through our doors. Each act of kindness within this program, no...
News – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
News View our most recent eNewsletter and take a peek at what we’ve been up to at EAT. Get more frequent updates If you’d like to hear from us a little more frequently. Facebook is the best place to g...
Frequently Asked Questions – Equine-Assisted Therapy, Inc.
How long are the classes and sessions? Classes are 30 minutes long and run in six-week sessions. We have classes for six weeks then one week off in between sessions to give our horses a break, schedul...