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ECL Consulting, LLC
ECL Consulting, LLC's specialized accounting and QuickBooks expertise puts your best financial foot forward.
About Eli — ECL Consulting, LLC
"I love a good mess" Eli Larriva, Accountant
Eli's Blog — ECL Consulting, LLC
While most of my time is dedicated to directly helping clients, occasionally there is a piece of information important enough to share with the wide world. I hope you find these post useful.
Thank you for a great 2020 (no, really) — ECL Consulting, LLC
Thank you for trusting me to guide you through the mess of tax and funding challenges, cost cuts and tough decisions. For your patience while we calculated, refigured, guesstimated and recalculate...
New PPP Forgiveness Applications, Rules — ECL Consulting, LLC
On Friday the Treasury Department issues yet another Interim Final Rule on the PPP. These IFRs offer more in-depth guidance on applying the ever changing rules for this program. The SBA also released...
Waiting for the stimulus bill to pass? 3 things you can do now — ECL Consulting, LLC
We all make better decisions when calm. Give yourself the breathing room to make sound, well considered choices about operating, funding, scaling or closing your business.