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Ecological Urbanism - Edited by Mohsen Mostafavi with Gareth Doherty and Published by Lars Müller
What are the key principles of an ecological urbanism? And what role might design and planning play in the process?
Exhibition on Ecological Urbanism – Harvard Graduate School of Design
The 2009 exhibition provoked discussions on the ecologies of urbanism as a way of addressing sustainability at urban scales.
Ecological Urbanism - Exhibition
Ecological Urbanism Ecological Urbanism: Alternative and Sustainable Cities of the Future The 2009 conference brought together design practitioners and theorists, economists, engineers, environmental...
Forum on Ecological Urbanism – Harvard Graduate School of Design
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Harvard Graduate School of Design at the Venice Biennale – Discussion Panels on Ecological Urbanism
The Harvard Graduate School of Design hosted an all-day event at the Venice Biennale on August 26, 2010. The program centered around the book Ecological Urbanism, edited by Mohsen Mostafavi with Garet...
Portuguese translation launch, October 14 2014
Stay tuned for updates on the Ecological Urbanism launch in São Paulo!