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Economy and Finance - European Commission
Economy and Finance
Economic forecasts - European Commission
The Commission publishes two fully-fledged forecasts, in autumn and spring, and a growth and inflation update in the winter.
Economic forecast for the EU - European Commission
The latest macroeconomic forecast for the EU. The European Commission publishes a full set of macroeconomic forecasts for the EU and its Member States in spring (May) and autumn (November) and publish...
Economic forecast and surveys - European Commission
Economic forecast and surveys
Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: an improved outlook amid persistent challenges - European Commission
The European economy continues to show resilience in a challenging global context. Lower energy prices, abating supply constraints and a strong labour market supported moderate growth in the first qua...
Winter 2023 Economic Forecast: EU Economy set to avoid recession, but headwinds persist - European
This Winter interim Forecast lifts the outlook for growth and slightly lowers the inflation projections. Growth for 2022 is now estimated at 3.5% in both the EU and the euro area. GDP is projected to ...