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Solutions - edilon)(sedra
At edilon)(sedra we provide solutions for multiple track systems, we can support you in the design and application fields.
Systems - edilon)(sedra
Here you will find the different systems edilon)(sedra offers; Corkelast® ERS, Corkelast® EBS, SDS, DFS and Trackelast.
About us - edilon)(sedra
edilon)(sedra is an international supplier of ballastless track systems, insulating rail systems and noise and vibration reduction systems.
Downloads - edilon)(sedra
Downloads, no rights can be derived from any data and/or information that is published on this website.
Handbook - edilon)(sedra
This handbook builds a bridge between the diversity of challenges faced when designing railway bridges and the solutions that Corkelast® ERS provides.
Embedded Rail System - edilon)(sedra
Corkelast® ERS is a high-quality rail fastening system for Heavy Rail, Light Rail and tramway applications based on embedded rail technology.