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- Teaching | Ohio Department of Education
About | Ohio Department of Education
The Ohio Department of Education is a diverse team of passionate, education-focused professionals dedicated to fulfilling the vision established in Each Child, Our Future, Ohio’s strategic plan for...
Learning Management System for Ohio Education | Ohio Department of Education
Who is eligible? These professional development opportunities are available to any educator with an active Ohio, prekindergarten - 12, Department-issued license or permit or who has submitted an appli...
Ohio’s Remote Learning Resources | Ohio Department of Education
Teacher-student interaction through online learning platform: This option, when available, enables educators to engage with students frequently and consistently throughout the learning day using a...
Home Schooling | Ohio Department of Education
Home Schooling In Ohio, parents interested in educating their children at home may do so by notifying their local school district superintendents and meeting the requirements of Ohio law to home schoo...
Literacy | Ohio Department of Education
The Ohio Department of Education aims to increase student achievement through improving language and literacy outcomes for all students. A successful language and literacy framework is built on five i...