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Education Cluster | Education Cluster
Countries with an HRP The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Global Education Cluster conce...
Resources | Global Education Cluster
Email Address Established in 2007, the EC derives its primary mandate, purpose and scope from the 2005 IASC Cluster approach, which ensures that international responses to humanitarian emergencies are...
Strengthening Education and Child Protection Needs Assessment and Preparedness | Global Education
The unparalleled loss of learning and heightened protection concerns witnessed at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of holistically addressing children’s interlinked educat...
Developing Comprehensive Cluster Strategies | Global Education Cluster
In March 2018, the Global Education Cluster rolled out its new Guide to Developing Comprehensive Education Cluster Strategies. To support roll-out and strengthen capacities of coordination staff to im...
Toolkit | Global Education Cluster
Global Education Cluster Toolkit Click on the interactive icon or button below to navigate through the different phases of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle to find associated guidance, tools, template...
Capacity Development | Global Education Cluster
Testimonials "Used to think that his main role was just to produce outputs for the cluster coordinator. Training has helped him better understand the environment around him“ IM Training participant, C...