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Details Nestlé Waters Switzerland launched the ECO-Broye programme around the sources of Henniez in 2009, working closely with local partners such as farmers, foresters, businesses and authorities in ...
EFBW: Key statistics
The graph on your right provides an insight into the consumption of bottled water per capita in the European Union in 2014. The top five biggest consumers of bottled water are Italy, Germany, Portug...
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- Homepage - NMWE
EFBW: Why choose Bottled Water?
Health Water is the only zero-calorie, zero-sugar and additive-free beverage that will ensure a healthy form of hydration. To prevent our bodies from dehydrating, we need to consume at least 2 to 2.5 ...
EFBW: Bottled Water Packaging
Bottled Water Packaging Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting our food and avoiding unnecessary waste of foodstuffs. Moreover, it helps protect the original purity and unique specificities of n...