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Football & Cheer
Recreational and competitive sports leagues for youth in Elk Grove Village, IL
Registration Registration for the 2023 Season Closes Friday, March 3. You can register in person at The Pavilion or online at If anyone has any questions please do not hes...
For Parents
For Parents Parent Involvement Parents can play many roles in sport: current or former athlete, coach, fan, motivator, role model or critic. A few studies have shown that family members may inf...
Girls Travel Soccer EGSC
Girls Travel Soccer EGSC We host open tryouts all year round. To schedule a tryout please contact: Travel soccer season runs from August to June of the following year. The outdoor travel soccer seas...
Travel Soccer EGSC
Travel Soccer EGSC EGSC Tryouts & Registration About Us Our club prides itself on developing players through an age appropriate curriculum delivered by a professional coaching staff. We provide our pl...
Youth Basketball
Youth Basketball Elk Grove Youth Basketball League Welcome to the Elk Grove Village Youth Basketball website. On this site you can find information about your leagues, game schedules, standing...