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Friends of The Egypt Centre Homepage - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
The Friends of the Egypt Centre support the Egypt Centre and organise an exciting programme of ten monthly lectures per year (September to June). These events run separately to the Egypt Centre’s othe...
Visit Us - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
General Information You can now visit us without booking in advance. Admission: Free Opening Hours: Monday: Closed Tuesday to Saturday: 10am – 4pm Sunday: Closed If you are parking on Swansea Univers...
Events - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
Check out whats on in the upcoming months at the Egypt Centre. Take a look at our workshops for children, special events, and workshops for adults.
Adult Education - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
Develop your own learning with the Egypt Centre! We offer a number of events and courses for adults who wish to learn about ancient Egypt. Curators Talks Join us for our monthly Curator’s Talks where...
Woking College Loan - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
Woking College Loan A collection of over 50 ancient Egyptian objects travelled from Surrey to Swansea, and arrived at the the Egypt Centre today (31st May 2012). Items on loan include a Sokar hawk, sh...
Annual Conference 2020 Via ZOOM - Y Ganolfan Eifftaidd / Egypt Centre
Introduction to the Egypt Centre: History and Highlights By: Ken Griffin (The Egypt Centre) View on YouTube Now ___________________ The Life Cycle of an Object: The Lintel of the Overseer of C...