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Welcome Page - CourtView Justice Solutions
Welcome Page Important Notice about eAccess The case information contained within this web site is generated from computerized records maintained by East Liverpool Municipal Court and is deemed to be ...
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b.) At the trial, the State must has a right to subpoena witnesses and evidence against you. The State must prove you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in order to convict you; c.) You have a r...
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Online Payments 1-877-793-7938
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* EXAMPLES: If John Doe is charged with O.V.I., speeding and marked lanes and found guilty of all three charges; his/her court costs will be $77.00 for the O.V.I., $43.00 for speeding and $43.00 f...
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Judge Melissa Byers Emmerling
Judge Melissa Byers - Emmerling Judge Melissa Byers-Emmerling announces her candidacy for Judge of the East Liverpool Municipal Court. She is currently completing her third term on th...