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What is Power Electronics? Concept, Block Diagram and Applications of Power Electronics
A study that utilizes electronic power devices from converting one form of electric power into another form of electric power with proper control is known as Power Electronics.
Types of Power Electronic Converters - AC to DC, DC to DC, DC to AC and AC to AC Converters
There are four major types of power electronic converters. However, there is a further classification of two out of four types. Here, in this content, wehave discussed each types separately in brief.
What is Chopper Circuit? Need and Operating Principle of Chopper Circuits - Electronics Coach
The circuit that is designed to directly convert fixed dc voltage into variable dc voltage is called Chopper Circuit. It is also known as dc to dc converter or dc chopper. Choppers are considered to b...
What is Boost Converter? Operating Principle and Waveform Representation of Buck Converter
Boost Converters sometimes, also known as step-up choppers are the type of chopper circuits that provides such an output voltage that is greater than the supplied input voltage. In the case of boost c...
What are DC Drives? Single-Phase, Three-Phase and Chopper DC Drives - Electronics Coach
DC Drives are the functional circuitry designed to regulate the speed of the dc motor by offering precise controlling to the same. For a dc drive control system, it is said that it facilitates startin...
What is Electronic Engineering? - Introduction & History - Electronics Coach
Electronics Engineering is the sub-branch of Electrical Engineering which deals with the motion of electrons and their behaviour in vacuum, gases and semiconductors.