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Home - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
All Rights Reserved. Cookies allow us to optimise and personalise your experience with us. By continuing to use the website, you will be agreeing to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, and Use o...
Emperor Motion Pictures - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
Emperor Motion Pictures Emperor Motion Pictures Emperor Motion Pictures was established in 2000 with a focus on the production, sales and distribution of quality motion pictures. We have since grown i...
- Home - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
Production - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
Production All Rights Reserved. Cookies allow us to optimise and personalise your experience with us. By continuing to use the website, you will be agreeing to our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditi...
Exhibition - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
Exhibition EMP is building two branded cinema chains: our wholly owned Emperor Cinemas and our joint venture with UA Cinemas, Emperor-UA Cinemas. Emperor Cinemas: Wholly owned by EMP, Emperor Cin...
英皇電影 - 英皇電影 Emperor Motion Pictures
英皇電影 英皇電影業務範圍包括投資、製作、銷售及發行優質電影,至今已於華語電影製作及發行業內佔據領導地位,是業內最活躍的電影製作商之一。 英皇電影曾獲獎無數:2009 年《証人》贏得七項影帝殊榮,創造神話;2010 年《讓子彈飛》於中國內地成為票房奇葩,首度打破逾 7 億元人民幣票房記錄。2018 年,由林超賢執導的《紅海行動》,創下全球 45 億港元驕人票房記錄,更在不同影展...