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Main-Page (Full content) – NPUST
Life is like a plane taking off and landing Zhong alumni encouraged young scholars to bravely advance, learn to take off and land, and cultivate different international views. Zhong, Jia-BinLeg...
Internationalization – NPUST
Internationalization The Office of International Affairs in NPUST was established in 2004 to facilitate international cooperation, academic exchanges, and recruitment of foreign students. There are tw...
NPUST Ranks Top Science and Tech Uni in Taiwan on THE Impact Rankings – NPUST
NPUST Ranks Top Science and Tech Uni in Taiwan on THE Impact Rankings Who’s making an impact when it comes to Sustainable Development? The Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings was designed to ...
Merging Knowledge and Skill for a New Era in Industry and Academics. R&D This Center integrates teachers’ expertise and uses academic and R&D resources to fulfill the concept of studying for the purpo...
Extension education – NPUST
1.Downtown Extension Education Building In order to provide educational services to people residing in Kaoshiung City , Kaoshiung County , and Pingtung County areas, we have founded the “Downtown Exte...
The NPUST Center for Smart Farming Officially Inaugurated with Plaque Unveiling – NPUST
The NPUST Center for Smart Farming Officially Inaugurated with Plaque Unveiling For several years now, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) has been making use of its experti...