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Classroom - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Classroom A series of lessons equipping you to effectively communicate the pro-life message using science and human rights. get started APOLOGETICS
About - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
WE BELIEVE… It is self-evident that human beings, by virtue of their humanity, are objectively valuable and deserving of human rights. In order to ensure equality, these rights must be respected durin...
Our Strategy - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Our Strategy As Warren Bennis says, vision is a compelling sense of what might be—a target that beckons one towards action. Our vision is an abortion-free Canada. Our mission is to save liv...
Learn - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Learn Use these resources to learn more about effective pro-life strategy, and how to make the case against abortion using science and human rights. Classroom A series of lessons equipping y...
2023 Faces of Abortion Tour - CCBR
This summer, CCBR is going across Canada to show the faces of abortion victims. Find out when we'll be in your area and how you can take part!
Our Locations - Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Community Groups Across Canada, there are many independent community groups (not affiliated with CCBR) that make use of CCBR projects to make abortion unthinkable in their communities and end the kill...