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Home - European Burns Association (EBA) | European Burns Association (EBA)
The European Burns Association (EBA) is a non-profit making organisation to facilitate communication and collaboration between burn care specialists.
Burn Centres in Europe - European Burns Association (EBA)
Burn Centres in Europe The EBA is offering the opportunity to European Burn Centres to register their centre on the EBA website, where contact information will be available for fellow physicians and...
Downloads - European Burns Association (EBA)
Downloads Downloads Some of the documents of the EBA are open to the public. Other documents, e.g. minutes of the bi-annual general assembly, are only accessible if you are a current member of the ass...
Verification Burn Centre - European Burns Association (EBA)
Verification of burn centres is an evaluation program of the European Burn Association (EBA).
Guidelines committee - European Burns Association (EBA)
The major Burn Centres in Europe should exchange knowledge on definitions, standards and guidelines. Some countries in Europe have now developed their own guidelines for burn care. Perhaps a combinati...
Events - European Burns Association (EBA)
Events More information The EBA serves as a forum through which medical specialists, researchers, professions allied to medicine (PAM) and other workers come in contact to discuss aspects of burn trea...