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Surveys and Studies | Euroconsumers
Consumers and experts disagree on sustainability priorities Consumer priorities for sustainable choices don’t match expert opinion. We must ret...
Manifesto | Euroconsumers
Euroconsumers, its members and supporters of this manifesto believe that: Consumers are a vital part of society and the economy. They are no longer passive subjects solely in need of pr...
Positioning and Advocacy | Euroconsumers
Car Wars 2: carmakers and a country coalition vs Euro 7 Europe’s huge car industry has united against the Commission’s Euro 7 proposal to cut n...
Vision | Euroconsumers
Consumers are a vital part of society and the economy. Today’s globalized, digitalised markets have opened up innovation and opportunities - but they are under serious pressure. Prices a...
About EC Forum | Euroconsumers
The 5th edition of the Euroconsumers International Forum sets the stage for our new slogan– Empower People | Improve the Market – as we dive deep into the challenges of the global economy and its im...
Euroconsumers members aim to ease the pain for consumers as energy crisis continues | Euroconsumers
Deco Proteste have active petitions and campaigns to lower VAT on energy, or to suspend it temporarily to provide some relief whilst prices are so high, arguing that as energy is an essential service ...