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Resources – Everyone Can Work
Resources On this page, you’ll find resources for families, people with intellectual disability, supporters and employers. Use the search bar or the filters to find the resource you are looking for. O...
About – Everyone Can Work
About When it comes to navigating employment supports for people with intellectual disability, it can be hard to know where to start. The Everyone Can Work website is for people with intellectual disa...
Employment support – Everyone Can Work
Everyone has the right to get support for employment. In Australia, there are a range of different federal government employment supports for people with disability. Most people find it hard to naviga...
What is open employment? – Everyone Can Work
Open employment is when people with and without disability work together in regular jobs. It’s the regular job market, where people apply for jobs or set up their own businesses to earn an income and ...
Evidence – Everyone Can Work
Inclusion Australia partnered with the Centre for Social Impact Swinburne to help plan the Everyone Can Work website. The Centre for Social Impact Swinburne looked at what the research says about what...
What is open employment? (Easy Read) – Everyone Can Work
It is the regular job market where people: apply for jobs Open employment is for all people, including people with intellectual disability. People called researchers have looked into open employment f...