Child safety
MALICIOUS CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any malicious content.
Secure connection support
HTTP has not yet implemented SSL encryption.
ADULT CONTENT INDICATORS most likely does not offer any adult content.
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Preparing you for tomorrow, today. | Evident
At Evident, our sole focus is on enabling a more connected healthcare landscape. An environment that’s centred on individuals across many care settings, while effectively and cost-efficiently improvin...
Thrive CIS and EMR | Evident
In the world of hospital, clinical and physician office information systems, Thrive stands out. It’s built on a simple, powerful idea: consistency. One system, one seamless user experience, one timely...
Resources | Evident
Canada Health InfowayInfoway is an independent, not-for-profit organization that promotes the adoption and use of digital health solutions in Canada.
LikeMind support | Evident
Evident is committed to the objectives, values and viewpoints we share with those delivering healthcare in communities and cities across Canada. Our goals are your goals; we see the world as you do, f...
Careers | Evident
At Evident, we are committed to meeting the needs of community healthcare - today and into the future. We achieve this through Thrive, our purpose-built HIS/CIS and EMR solution, and LikeMind, our imp...
Executive Management | Evident
BOYD DOUGLASPresident and Chief Executive OfficerBoyd Douglas oversees Evident and is centered on ensuring the company is positioned to continue its leadership role during this transitional time of he