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Home - EvoML Research Group
The Evolutionary and Machine Learning (Evo-ML) Research group is led by Dr.Hossam Faris and Dr. Ibrahim Aljarah, and counts 5 PhD and master students from the University of Jordan. The group focuses o...
EvoCC: An Open-Source Classification-Based Nature-Inspired Optimization Clustering Framework in
Posted By: Raneem Qaddoura February 11, 2022 EvoCC framework is an open-source, free, and cross-platform framework implemented in Python which combines clustering, classification, and evolutionary co...
EvoloPy: An Open-Source Nature-Inspired Optimization Framework in Python – EvoML Research Group
Posted By: Raneem Qaddoura February 23, 2019 As an initiative to keep an implementation of the recent nature-inspired metaheuristics as well as the classical ones in a single open source framework,...
Evo-ML Headlines – EvoML Research Group
Our research group EVOML: Evolutionary Algorithms and Machine Learning Research Group has been honored in this event. The ceremony included an overview of the group’s most important research … Read ...
February 2022 – EvoML Research Group
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Projects – EvoML Research Group
EvoCC framework is an open-source, free, and cross-platform framework implemented in Python which combines clustering, classification, and evolutionary computation methods. It optimizes the classifica...