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Early Warning System
Information about projects which may impact human rights
Early Warning System
<p>The development objectives of the Second Accelerating Reforms for an Inclusive and Resilient Recovery Development Policy Financing in Kenya contribute to Kenya’s inclusive and resilient recovery fr...
Early Warning System
<p>According to bank documents, The knowledge and support technical assistance (TA) will fund a feasibility study to further develop the concept and articulate the business case for establishing a mul...
Early Warning System
<p> </p> <p>Under this project, EBRD provides loan to Borey Energo LLP to finance for the construction and operation of a wind power plant in central Kazakhstan.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
Early Warning System
<p>The proposed investment is an equity investment of up to $15M in Nazca Fund III, (“Fund III”), an Ontario-domiciled VC fund focused on investing in early-stage technology companies in Spanish Latin...
Early Warning System
<p>According to the bank website, the project consists of a multi-objective loan for the financing of public sector entities in Germany.</p> <p>An indicative 50% or more of the loan will be used for ...