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FABS - Food & Agri Business School
Excellence in Agri Business Managemet Agribusiness management is the key element for transforming agriculture in India into an agribusiness enterprise. Agribusiness managers are in great demand wi...
Fabs | Campus
FABS offers PGDMABM course approved by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt.of India. FABS is the first such institute in private sector in Telangana. The Uniquely designed program provides an ideal learning ...
Fabs | PGDM (ABM)
PGDM - Agri-Business and Management Programme The two-year, fully residential, AICTE approved FABS PGDM – Agri Business and Management is the flagship programme of Sagar Group of Institutions (SGI) . ...
Fabs | regular faculty
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Fabs | Online Admission Test
FABS strives to prepare young graduates for challenging careers in food, agri and allied business sectors in India through its flagship education programme of PGDM (ABM) Final Online Admission Test ...
- Fabs | Registration